Friday, September 19, 2014

Keep A Dog From Digging Under A Chain Link Fence

Provided your dog is an escape artist, locate a popular Way out route.

You may keep seen the telltale letter that your dog is bored, anxious, an escape artist or dependable seeking Safeguard from the elements--it's that colossal gaping gap in the ground under your chain link fence. Dogs dig for a change of reasons. Direct your dog secure and your yard intact with practice, diversionary tactics, behaviour adaption and fence reinforcement.

Praise the dog when it digs in the approved spot.3. Purchase a dog house for shelter in the event the dog is digging to find relief from wind or heat. Place the dog house in a shady area, if possible, to supply extra comfort.

Discipline it some different tricks, or booty a training class. Provide toys to keep it busy, and switch them around to supply variety and pique interest. Spend extra time with your dog.

2. Provide an alternate, acceptable digging spot by creating a sandbox in another area of the yard. Dig a hole and fill it with loose sand or dirt. Bury its favorite toys in this area besides.


1. Circuit your dog at least twice a generation, and play fetch or other games that expend force.

4. Lay chicken wire under the fence at the hole, curling the sharp edges away from the yard so they face outward. Partially bury large rocks at the fence line. Attach chain link fence to the bottom of the fence and lay it in an "L" shape on the ground to make it uncomfortable for the dog's feet when walking on it.