Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Building An Indoor Batting Cage Facility

Staple the top square of batting catch to the existence on the backside of the rafters between the side and back walls of the batting cage. Tie three ropes evenly spaced to Everyone the three walls of the batting cage. Column the ropes on ice Everyone pulley and settle a sand bag on the heel of Everyone rope to grasp the batting cage side and back walls hung with nets.

Shop for four square batting nets the heighth of the ceiling rafters in the building where you are constructing the indoor batting cages. Shop for nine pulleys and a length of rope that is eighteen times the heighth of the building's rafters.Section nine pieces of rope Everyone twice as enlarged as the heighth of the rafters. Screw in three evenly spaced pulleys to the rafters along the sides and back rafters you are going to hang the enmesh to.

Rent or pay for a pitching machine, a surplus of baseballs, and baseball bats. When you need to use the building for other things, take the sandbags off the ropes and take the side and back net walls down. Leaving the ceiling net stapled in place won't get in the way.