Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Tell What Year A Schwinn Stingray Bike Was Built

Announce What Year a Schwinn Stingray Bike Was Built

The Schwinn Stingray is quickly recognized by the banana seat and backrest on the bicycle. After these three-speed bicycles appeared in the early 1970s, owning one seemed to be a due of contents for many youths. The Stingray featured a chopper style frame and the everywhere banana seat. Provided you compass an senile Stingray and are trying to set up the year it was fabricated, even-handed pursue some picnic directions. Schwinn placed day stamps on their bicycles that are easily located.


Use this number to date the bicycle. Schwinn made the bicycles at their Chicago plant in the 1970s and used the four-digit code to give date and year of production. Examples are 2453. The first three numbers represent the day of the year the bicycle was made, so in this example it would have come off the production line on the 245th day of the year.

2. Force to the left share side of the Schwinn autograph plate and gun for a four-digit cipher. Write this number down or photograph it with the camera.

3.1. Face the front of the Schwinn Stingray you are trying to generation. Stare at the front tube of the bicycle and set the Schwinn designation plate. The last number is the year of production, and knowing the Stingrays were from the 1970s, you know to add 1970 to the number. This would be 1973.