Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Send Used Greeting Cards

You can reuse gray greeting cards by turning them into postcards.

Persons sometimes confusion what to close with the many greeting cards that they corral from friends and family. Instead of throwing them elsewhere, sticking them in the recycling bin or letting them stack up To gather dust, you can re-use your favourite greeting cards by next a sporadic, facile steps to turn the two-sided cards into postcards. This is a brilliant system to reprocess cards rather than throwing them elsewhere.


1. Pick a choice of your favourite greeting cards that you enjoy received, from practically any time. You can choose generic cards, birthday, holiday, thank you or junket cards. Choose cards that hold colourful sayings and pictures on the front, hold isolated been signed on one side, are not embossed and posses no melodic chip embedded in the card. Pop-up cards again Testament not office.

2. Assign a thick group of cardboard on your drudgery table. City the greeting card Apartment lodgings away on the cardboard so the front and back covers are showing.

Turn the card so that it is in the horizontal position, with the picture honest side up (on the contrary side of the card). Provided the card's picture is in the vertical position, it is ok to turn the picture sideways, which will optimize your writing space.6.

4. Remove the back of the card and save it or dispose of it in the recycling bin.

5. Turn the greeting card over.3. Edge up a plastic ruler along the Centre fold in the card, and grip it there. Slice along the ruler with a Art cutting edge to seperate the front and back of the greeting cards.

Place a stamp in the top right hand corner, as if the card was a postcard. Draw a vertical line in the middle of the card with a black pen, which will be used to separate the recipient's address from your greetings. Start drawing the line 3/4 of an inch from the top and finish 3/4 of an inch from the bottom of the card.

7. Write out the recipient's address in the middle of the right hand side of the card in black pen, using a ruler to keep the writing straight. If it's easier, pre-draw lines with a ruler and a pencil and then fill out the address on these lines. Erase the pencil lines once the ink is dry.

8. Write out your own personal greetings in a different colored pen (e.g., red, green or blue) on the left hand side of the card. This can be done freehand.

9. Drop the card into the mailbox to send it.