Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Report Fraud To Google

Google's advertising step has enabled publishers to construct bucks and advertisers to receive the most from their ad dollars. Unfortunately, some users engage in something called "click fraud." There are two reasons someone might engage in this activity--to accrual their Emoluments whether they're a publisher, or to accrual a Rival's costs provided they're an advertiser. Google allows advertisers who suspect that they're victims of click fraud to Announcement it via the Lattice.

Click "Submit" to send your report to Google. The AdWords team will investigate the clicks on your account to determine if click fraud occurred.4. Watch your email for a message from Google once the investigation into the suspected click fraud is complete.

2. Complete the form with the requested information. If you're signed into your Google account, your AdWords customer ID should be filled in automatically.



1. Unfastened your Mesh browser and interview the Google AdWords "Contact Us" folio for those experiencing noticable fluctuations in their AdWords traffic (examine Resources).

If Google rules in your favor, the money lost through click fraud will be restored to your account.