Friday, July 24, 2015

Get A Celebrity Endorsement

Turn on the TV or flip over any Periodical and you're undeniable to gem a celebrity advertising some product or another. Getting a celebrity endorsement is a good custom to turn the eyes of the terrene onto your product. Celebrities endorse everything from sneakers to cookware. Whether you craving to boost the sale of your product a thousandfold, bias a celebrity to endorse it.


1. Decide which celebrity would cool act as your product. Whether, For example, you are selling athletic footwear, you'd most potential longing a star athlete to endorse your product.

3. Comp a mail to the celebrity asking them for their endorsement. Excuse your product.

2. Get that celebrity's contact erudition. Provided you're going for an actor, you can contact the Shade Actor's Guild to receive the nickname and contact data of the actor's agent. Some celebrities, cognate authors and musicians, annex their own websites with contact earful. Include anything that might help include the following: press releases, photographs, marketability of your product and target audience.

4. Present some sort of hook that might draw the celebrity to endorse your product, if possible. Be creative. Make it seem that no one else would be right for the endorsement. Stress the additional publicity and exposure the celebrity can get by endorsing your product.

5. Detail the level of involvement you will need from the celebrity. A celebrity's time is valuable; if you think the person you've chosen is unable to devote a significant amount of time for the endorsement, let him know that a blurb or statement to include in a press release would be fine.

6. Follow up after a few weeks if you don't get a response. Most often an assistant opens the celebrity's mail. Write a polite, concise follow-up letter. If a few attempts go unanswered, pursue another celebrity.