Friday, April 3, 2015

Remove Leading & Trailing Slashes

Influential and trailing slashes can be removed provided they indicate on the content of your Mesh period. They come about when you fail to delete them or don't properly apply the Hypertext Markup Conversation (HTML) codes, a programming words for Netting pages. Alternatively, when used in General Resource Locator (URL), a path of paragraph or symbols that set your website on the Internet, they can basis your Net event to manifest a "404 Leaf Not Father" inaccuracy.


1. Log on to your machine. Click the "Launch" Press-stud to example the "Derivation Aliment." Allot the Internet browser and click on it. Alternatively, click the browser's shortcut statue located on the desktop to manage the Internet browser.

2. Enter the domicile of your website's homepage in the Netting browser manoeuvring topic box. Press the "Enter" Press-stud. Whether your Net browser is locate to extensive in a insufficient window, you may keep to originate it in its all-inclusive immensity owing to you need a large viewing space to easily locate the leading and trailing slashes.

3. Enter your administrator username and password. Check your email records to obtain them if you are unsure. Username and password are sent to your email after your website is created. Click on the "Log in" link or button at the bottom of the page. The administration window opens, providing you access to control the features of your website.

4. A new window opens with the contents of the post together with its HTML.6. Make the necessary changes. Locate the "HTML" tab and click on it.

5. Select the post or content you wish to edit and click on it once a list of posts displays. The "View" and "Edit" tabs show along the top of each section. Click the "Edit" button on the section you wish to edit. Find the post that contains the leading and trailing slashes you need to remove. Locate the "Posts" link once the window opens and click on it. It is usually located on the left panel of the window. You can also use the search option to locate the post by typing the title of the content or post and clicking on the "Search" button.

Once the HTML code displays, delete or remove the leading and the trailing slashes in the links. Find the leading and the trailing slashes in the content and edit them according to the HTML coding technique or delete them.

7. Click on the "Save Changes" button to save the changes and then log out once you are through. The leading and trailing slashes are removed from your posts. Confirm that they are removed by opening your website and then refreshing.