Monday, February 9, 2015

Make Your Phone Number Unlisted In The Phone Book

You can enjoy your call symbol removed from the directory.

An unlisted phone character, one that doesn't clock in in the call jotter, offers a petite measure of Safeguard from harassing and obscene call callers. Likewise, peddlers using a ring manual won't inspect your brand. A non-published phone number goes farther, removing your information not only from the printed directory but from the electronic directory a caller reaches when calling Directory Assistance.


1. Call your telephone service provider's customer service number. Tell the customer service representative that you wish to remove your telephone number from the directory. The customer service provider will confirm that you wish To possess your telephone number removed and ask if you want your number removed from the online and telephone directory assistance service listings further.3. Inform the customer service representative of your choice: unlisted, that is, not listed in the printed telephone directory, or non-published, where your name, address and telephone number do not appear in any publicly accessible listing with the telephone company.

Usually, this number is found in the introductory pages of your telephone directory. If you have no directory, the number is available through Directory Assistance, accessed by dialing "411" or "1-411."2.