Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Call Long Distance To Canada

Adjust a bell to Canada by dialling 1 then the 10 digit call amount.

Provided you commitment to district a phone from the USA to Canada you may be worried approximately figuring away true dial the long distance number. Fortunately, calling Canada is just like dialing in the USA. Both countries have the same country code (no additional code is needed), both countries have a three digit city code (area code) and both countries use a seven digit telephone number. If you have the phone number, you will be able to call the number without an issue.


1. Dial the number "1" on your phone. Visit the Country Calling Codes website. Select the Canadian state you will be calling from the drop-down menu. Click "Submit."

Dial the seven digit number starting with the three-digit area code. If you do not have the area code, skip To pace 2.2.

3. Dial the number "1" on your phone, plus the three-digit city code the site provides you with. Then dial the seven-digit number.