Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Study For The National Spelling Bee

Studying subject randomly from a Vocabulary Testament lift familiarize you with locution formation and constitution.

Spelling in front of a classroom can be daunting Sufficiently, on the contrary should you qualify for the Federal Spelling Bee you'll be spelling in front of a yet larger assemblage. Studying for the Spelling Bee can be challenging and genuine interval consuming, as the subject Testament scale in puzzle and utterance origins, production your recognition of signal roots and pronunciations, also as comparable text, crucial to determining the spelling. With a meagre studying tips you can famously elevate your overall spelling for the State Spelling Bee.


At Home

1. Get an certified Vocabulary (see References) to review words and study the arrangement of letters and words. Practice with another person who can ask you to spell random words from the dictionary.

2. Create flash cards for problem words and specific languages you have difficulty working with. You can practice learning the rules of each language and pronunciation with the flash cards.

3. Read up on rules for each language you anticipate having to spell words from. This will help when spelling an unknown word.

On a Computer

4. Download a National Spelling Bee's consolidated word list (see Resources) to study from. This list consists of over 23,000 words as of 2010, dated back to as far as 1950. The list also shows the frequency of the times each word has been used in the National Spelling Bee.

5. Play an online spelling test game. You can also practice with traditional word games such as Boggle and even Scrabble, both which are available for free online also.7.

Use a spelling website to test your spelling skills and language origin knowledge. You can find these websites available for free use online.6.

Visit the official National Spelling Bee's website (spellingbee.com) to review the rules and regulations and take advantage of its online study guide. You can also view past winning words and winners.