Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Create A Logo In Gimp

Concoct a Logo in GIMP

One of the most decisive concepts in occupation marketing is Trade-mark recognition, in which a customer seeing your notice, ad or packaging nowadays recognizes your product or utility. There are heterogeneous ways of achieving this duty, from using a consistent colour scheme to creating a memorable Device. However one of the cool ways to advice implied customers realize your livelihood is to conception a morals logo that you compass on all products, webpages and printed materials. You might anticipate you occasion to accept a ace graphics artist to fabricate a feature logo. On the contrary, by using the freeware program GIMP, you can quickly complete this project yourself.


1. When it opens select "File" and click "New." In the dialog that opens, set the width and height in pixels or inches. If you plan to place the logo on a large sign, make sure you make it that size to start with, since the raster images made by GIMP don't enlarge well. Make the background "Transparent" and click "OK."

Use a pencil and paper to sketch out your ideas for your logo. You should limit yourself to only one or two main colors, with another used for outlines and text.

3. Click on the GIMP shortcut on your desktop to begin the program. Go to GIMP.org (see link in Resources below) and download the latest stable version of the GIMP application. Install it to your computer.2.

4. Click on the "New Layer" icon and select the new layer. Select the Polygonal selection tool and draw the outline of your logo. Use the Paint Bucket tool to fill it with the color you selected.

5. Repeat Step 4 to create smaller details on your logo, using the main color.

6. Select the "Text" tool and use it and any text you want.

7. Select "File" and click "Save." In the dialog box, name your file and save it as a GIF or PNG to maintain the transparency.