Monday, June 17, 2013

Direct Mail Advertising Strategies

If you are seeking new customers, perform a demographic analysis of your current customers and then look for a list that has the same characteristics.


Use an attention-getting envelope, like one that mimics the look of priority mail because of what is printed on the outside of it.


The excellence of the information to which you are mailing is an valuable determinant of the flying colors of your conduct packages crusade. Fully distinguish your oppose marketplace and catch a dossier that is laser focused on that marketplace.Develop your plain correspondence strategy and amend your reimburse on investment.According to the Plain Marketing Firm, marketers spent $149.3 billion dollars on conduct marketing in 2009. In spite of the beefing up of Internet advertising, extended than 50 percent of all advertising is invested in sincere marketing.To prevent your govern dispatch from duration disposed of in the Hand-bill string, you must deploy an forcible frank packages advertising strategy.


Invest more than half of your time developing headlines for your direct mail piece. The headline is what compels someone to read further. Moreover to creating a headline at the top of your mailing piece, try placing compelling wording on the outside of the envelope.

Set up a split test for your mailing by sending half of the mailing using one headline and the other half with a different headline. Compare the results and determine which headline is better. Use the better headline in the next mailing.


Place a three-dimensional insert, such as a key chain, inside the mailing envelope. This will differentiate your piece from others. When people receive your envelope, many will be curious about the contents because of the use of a three-dimensional insert.

Mailing Days

Mail your piece so that it is received on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Monday is bad because Monday mail includes mail sent more than one day beforehand. More mail means more competition for your piece. Avoid Fridays because recipients often are less focused on business with the weekend approaching.