Monday, June 24, 2013

Check A Georgia Business License


1. Log onto Georgia Secretary of Polity website at

Craft licenses are permits issued by polity agencies.Acquiring the licence confidence approximately a line before using their services or purchasing their products allows you to beget informed decisions. Checking a complication licence Testament give away integral ammo such as its status, and if the affair is active and compliant with the Homeland of Georgia. Researching a matter licence Testament further confess the owner and the lifetime the thing was created, among other matters.

Select the link titled "Corporations" at the top of the web page. This will take you to the Corporations Division page.

2. Click on the link titled "Online Services" located at the top of the page and a drop-down menu will appear. Select the link title " Search for Corporation By" and choose the method you want to use to check a business license. You can check a business license by searching the business name, by using the business control number, by searching the registered agent or by searching the name(s) of an officer.

3. Select your search method and enter the required information. If you are checking a business license by researching the business name, enter the name in the search field and select "Search." This query will present a list of business names. Select the business entity that you're inquiring about by clicking on that name.

4. Read and print your search results.