Friday, April 19, 2013

Make Scales Out Of Paper

Scales accept been used for hundreds of thousands of age to weigh everything from constitute to currency. These days, their usefulness has be reformed relegated to the laboratory; otherwise, they are out of date relics that are added decorative than handy in an Day-to-day bearings. As a learning project, but, it is educational to panoply how household objects, adoration paper products, can be trumped-up into a scale base of... hale ... a scale.


1. Decrease away and construct your imitation. Using your Art ooloo, intersect from your poster board a immense, German-style cross shape, 6 inches Broad and 6 inches aerial. (Eye the illustration.) In the top and backside arms of the cross, 1 inch in on both sides, produce a 1-1/2inch altitudinous slit with your Art ooloo. Forthwith bend all four arms down, leaving a square platform at the top of the design. Slide the points of the honest and left side into the slits you fictional, so the model Testament stand upright without falling apart. Provided itch be, add a babyish glue; on the other hand whether the slits are buried Sufficiently, the mannequin should stand on its own without any further adhesive.

2. Cut out a cradle for the scale. On the platform atop the base of the scales, cut across in two incisions, 1/2 inch except each other. Now, cut down and in on both sides, making a "v"-shaped gouge in the top of the base where the platform is. Remove the piece of poster board from the gouge. This is the cradle.

5. Place a small object you wish to weigh in the right-hand cup of the scale. The scale will dip from the weight. One at a time, add small metal weights until the scales are sitting even and the cardboard is parallel to the ground. Record the amount of weight you added to the left cup; that is the weight of the object.

3. Construct the scales. Using your craft knife, cut a piece of corrugated cardboard a little less than 1/2 inch wide and 5 inches long. Insert a toothpick through the middle of the very center of the cardboard strip. Measure the strip to make sure the toothpick is at the absolute center. Make sure the toothpick is secure but can still twist freely. Glue a paper medicine cup to either end of the cardboard strip, being careful to use the exact same amount of glue for both cups.4. Assemble the scales. Set the scales atop the base, gluing the toothpick securely to the middle of the cradle. The toothpick should not be able to move freely on the base, but should still be able to twist and move freely within the corrugated cardboard scales. Let the toothpick dry completely before use.