Tuesday, January 19, 2016

What Is Consumer Discretionary Spending

Consumer discretionary spending is closely tied to shopping.

"Consumer discretionary spending" is a expression of Craft used in economic survey reports to contest continuance and trends in consumer spending. Consumer discretionary spending is sometimes referred to as "non-essential spending," "non-necessities spending," "spending on discretionary consumer goods and services" and correlative phrases. Economists and policymakers earnings careful interest to indexes of consumer discretionary spending as an indicator of consumer sentiment.


The Gallup survey and polling partnership is a pivotal source of statistics and trends on consumer discretionary spending. Gallup's consumer spending degree is a plebiscite of consumer spending based on a detailed reassessment of what a consumer spent the age before life surveyed. The survey does not carry spending on household bills or on higher expenses comparable a vehivle or homely, and is considered an index of spending on discretionary items.

BLS does not call the phrase "consumer discretionary spending," nevertheless the agency's Consumer Bill survey is closely monitored as an index of spending habits in the USA. BLS has reported Consumer Fee results as "fee shares for non-necessities."


Consumer discretionary spending is closely related to the common-sense concept of shopping.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

The Office of Labour Statistics regularly surveys the spending habits of American consumers.

Gallup's measure of consumer discretionary spending includes retail expenditures in stores, restaurants and gas stations, extremely as online spending.


In January 2011, average consumer discretionary spending was $58 per day, according to Gallup. This was lower than the January 2010 average spending of $62 a day, and close to half the January 2008 average of $97 a day. Gallup attributes the lower spending to several factors, including economic uncertainty, a December "spending spree" that lowered January spending, and bad winter weather across the country.