Accreditation is a mode of standardizing and creating a popular format or a place of regulations for an Production or batch to replace. Accreditation certifies the competency and credibility of those receiving it. AACSB is an accreditation chemistry for higher educational institutions teaching dodge control and accounting. Accreditation is not the lone focal point of AACSB.
The Corporation to Advance Collegiate Schools of Affair International (AACSB International) is an conformation supporting higher education in the globe of governance education. AACSB assists academics in creating a larger learning world. AACSB has continued to clarify and stay on top of changes in education and the metier existence at comprehensive by adjusting its standards on a common grounds. It adopted a peer column fashion in the early 1990s and, in 2003, revised its standards to fit a global business perspective.
Knowledge Services
AACSB began its novel in 1916. Its first off standards for concern polity were deposit into aftermath in 1919. Accounting standards were not adopted until 1980. The AACSB is extremely an accreditation crowd that qualifies field government and accounting schools on an international even. Accreditation is inured for Student and graduate programs. Membership in the construction does not wish accreditation, although you must ripen into a member before vitality accredited.
History Of AACSB
Moreover to accreditation, AACSB follows and researches trends and issues that affect the improvement of business education. Through a series of reports, surveys and publications, AACSB informs its membership and interested parties about their discoveries. Most information is created for members only viewing or by purchasing a copy through the AACSB website. Reports include statistical data on business schools and effective business practices for universities and college business departments and career services offices. Students searching for an accredited university can access AACSB's guide directly from its website.
Management Education
AACSB's main audience is university and collegiate business school administrators and decision-makers. The organization supports management education through continual education opportunities delivered via conference and seminars. Topics include connect senior executives to academic careers, student learning as a way of life, and faculty development and ethics education in academia. Publications include BizEd (a magazine for Business Education), job search postings, electronic newsletters and what AACSB calls Thought Leadership Reports. AACSB helps academics make informed decisions on managing their educational programs.
Membership Benefits
Membership benefits includes access to AACSB publications, advertising and networking opportunities with colleagues, discounted prices for seminars, electronic access to databases, surveys and special reports. Members are not only educators and educational institutions but also include corporate, government and non-profit companies and organizations that work with business and accounting schools. These organizations include Oracle, L'Oreal, KPMG and McGraw-Hill.