Non-profits are always in longing of additional supply. Luckily, teenagers are normally in devoir of a regional work project. Whether you employment with a human utility agency and are in obligation of volunteers, asking teens to ease away bitter dispense you with an endless function of hands and hearts for your projects.
1. Conclude which jobs you entail function with for your local service project and which ones could be carried out by teenagers.
6. On the day of the community service, have a senior volunteer or staff member available to coordinate the teen's efforts. The supervisor should be readily available to the teens while they are assisting you in case of any questions or problems.
Be prepared with time and date information, very as how many teens you will need and for how long. Answer questions such as what time you need them to reach, when they can leave and the dress requirements.
4. Appeal to the teens by arranging to speak to the group members about your cause. Be prepared to reply questions.
5. Have the teenager's parents sign the appropriate permission forms with the school and your organization.
2. Contact high schools, teen organizations and churches in your area and set up a meeting with teen group advisors. If your project focuses on a specific cultural or political concern, perhaps arrange some kind of extra credit for the teenagers by speaking with school administrators.3. Explain what your project entails and the purpose of the project.