Sunday, January 17, 2016

How Many Logs Are Needed To Build A Log Cabin

How Many Logs are Needed To erect a Log Cabin?

Determining how many logs it takes To erect a log cabin can be seen as a basic maths disagreement. The components Testament be the proportions and style of the cabin to be built, the magnitude of the logs to be used, the heighth of the walls and type of roof.

How the cabin is constructed Testament too dispose the amount of logs that Testament be required. Provided filled logs are to be used where windows or doors are to be reduce away of walls then bounteous are needed. When shorter log segments are used for the doors and windows, then fewer logs are needed.

Log Size

The logs chosen should be enclosing the equivalent thickness, heighth and time. The width should be between 8 and 14 inches. Once a width is chosen then all of the logs used should be approximately the alike in amount. The logs should be straight.

Thanks to Everyone log cabin is individual a means for determining the character of logs is acceptable to benefit as a reference. Arbitrate what style of log cabin To erect. Essentially the wall interpretation Testament be the basic one log stacked on top of another. The length is 24 feet on Everyone of the four sides. The windows and door(s) Testament be section outside after the logs are in domicile.

Cabin Height

Testament this be a one margin cabin or extra?


As a design of determining the character of logs needed, originate with a one period log cabin.

The height of the walls will be 8 feet. Change the height of the walls from feet to inches. This is done by multiplying feet by 12 inches since there are twelve inches in a foot - 8 x 12 = 96 inches.

Determine the diameter of a log which is the length of a straight line running from one side of the log through the center to the other side. The height of the log is 10 inches at one end and 6 inches at the other. The average height is 10 inches plus 6 inches for 16 inches divided by 2. Each log will be on average 8 inches in height.

If each log is on average 8 inches then the total number needed is 8 x ? = 96. The number of logs needed on one wall will be 12. Multiple 12 by 4 to receive the total for all four walls - 12 x 4 = 48.

For the Roof

The roof is built by stacking horizontal logs to form gables. Each successive log is shorter than the one before until a triangle is formed. There are two gables, one on the front of the cabin and one on the back. Ten logs are used to form each gable.

Long logs are placed from one gable to another. A central log, the ridge pole, reaches from the tip of each gable triangle, then three logs are evenly placed, on either side of the ridge pole.


To find the total number of logs needed add up the parts. The walls use 48, the gables require 20, and the roof needs 7 for a total of 75 logs.