1. Log in to your Geocaching.com chronicle and click on the "Harbour & Seek a Cache" Press-stud on the pilotage nourishment. Scroll down to "Other Search Options" and grip "Constitute by Username". Enter your Geocaching username into the subject box and click "life".
Using pocket queries, which is one channels of mob the news required for mapping your finds, requires a premium membership on the Geocaching.com website.
Hide & Seek a Cache Function
Digitally map all of your geocaching findsMapping outside your geocache finds from Geocaching.com is a relatively manageable endeavour and Testament exposition all of your adventures on your favourite map. Nevertheless, thanks to of the attributes of Geocaching.com, the employment can further be tedious provided you gain a ample vastness of finds or your finds are extended over fine distances.Using Geocaching.com is a comp assistance. This Testament constitute a file of all the geocaches constitute by this username.
2. Scroll down to the backside of the beginning episode and click the "Proof All" Press-stud. Then click the "Download Waypoints" Press-stud. Save the .loc dossier to your desktop or other dossier that is easily father.
This operation Testament hold to be completed for Everyone folio of caches the search finds. Provided your search produces 18 pages of establish caches, you Testament accept to save a .loc list for Everyone folio.
3. Download and install the free lunch mapping practice Google World. After the use has successfully installed, open the program and drag each .loc file to the map. Each found geocache will be shown on the map. Clicking on a geocache marker on the map will open a bubble with a link to the cache details. If the link is clicked it will direct you to the cache page on Geocaching.com.
Using Pocket Queries
4. Login to your Geocaching.com account and click on "Your Profile" from the menu. Scroll down until you see on the left side of the screen, "Build Pocket Queries" and click on the link. Using pocket queries requires a premium membership on Geocaching.com.
Pocket queries create .gpx files that are generated based on the criteria that you request, much like a search engine. The results are emailed to you in a compressed file that contains a.gpx file.
5. Click on the "Create a new query link". Choose the box of the day of the week you wish the file to be emailed to you. If you want it to be emailed immediately, choose today's day.
Leave "500" in the "Show me" box. It is the maximum number of caches for a pocket query.
Further filter your query by selecting cache types and containers. If you wish to see all the caches you have found, leave the default button selected.
6. In the "That (And)" box, select "I have found". Leave the Terrain and Difficulty boxes at their defaults. Leave the "Within" box at its default.
In the "From Origin" box, you can choose home coordinates, postal code, or a waypoint. If your home coordinates are updated with Geocaching.com, this may be the easiest choice. In the radius box, type in "500" miles. 500 is the maximum number of miles you can extend the search out to.
7. Check your email that Geocaching.com uses to convey with you. You will receive an email with an attached, zipped file. Unzip the file and move the .gpx to a folder you can easily find.
8. Open Google Earth or other compatible mapping application and drag the .gpx file to the map. All of the geocaches in the pocket query will now be shown on the map. Clicking on the cache symbol on the map will show the cache information.