Monday, January 25, 2016

Create Free Printable Banner Templates

Design Clear Printable Banner Templates

Provided you retain a website, one of the matters you can conclude to attract visitors to it is to commit absent freebies. One type that you might expect approximately creating is banner templates. Many mortals, groups and organizations application banners for differing purposes, such as to advertise an fact or being a Argument. Creating a uncommon banner templates in the criterion sizes used by sites adore CafePress and Zazzle or companies according to Staples or Job Depot Testament attract many family who would love a banner on the other hand don't compass the eternity or faculty to cause their own. Nevertheless to engage in this you Testament acquire to concoct the banner in a programme that anyone can acquire access to. For this instigation it is ace to bag the freeware graphics programme GIMP.


1. Go to and download the GIMP graphics program. Install it to your system.

2. Decide on an overall theme for the banner template you want to create. For instance, you might want to supply a banner template that could be used by environmentalists or some other group that might use an outdoors theme. In this case you would want to use a nature image as the background of the banner. You could get this image either by transferring form you digital camera or you could download a public domain image from a federal government site like the Forest Service.

Now select "Edit" and click "Copy."5. Return to the banner document, select "Edit" and click "Paste into Layer." Select the "Scale" tool from the toolbar and use it to fit the photograph to the banner. Some cropping will occur, so use the "Move" tool to position the image to receive the section in the banner you really want. In the width and height boxes enter the size you want the banner template to be (based on the requirements of the company you are making this particular banner to be printed with). You will probably want to make several different versions so that visitors to your site have a choice as to where they have in printed. Click "OK."

4. Select "File" and click "Open." In the dialog box browse to the image you want to use in the banner and open it.3. Open GIMP. Select "File" and click "New." In the new document dialog that opens change the increments to "inches" and set the resolution at 200.

6. Select the "Text" tool. Select a font size, color and style. Since the user will want the banner to be easy to read you should choose a large, wide font like "Impact." Type in "Your Text Here!".

7. Select "File" and click "Save". In the dialog name the banner template and save it. It is now ready to be loaded onto your site for download. But make sure you provide a link to the GIMP download site so your visitors can use the banner template.