Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Common Community College Interview Questions

A district academy chore offers instructors the chance to serve a contradistinct congregation of students than a billet at a traditional four-year university; students come from a wider diversity of backgrounds, financial situations and educational participation. When you are interviewing candidates for an manage position, it is big To measure their tolerant of your assignment and dedication to providing a merit education.

Teaching Experience

Through limited colleges end not target on trial, you Testament require to boast candidates who are good teachers. In doing so, you can get a sense of how well they have researched your institution and how interested they are in teaching. Knowing about a teacher's motivation can help you understand how well they will perform on the job based on environmental and situational factors.

Reality Check

Community colleges have a different set of limitations than four-year colleges and are often more challenging for teachers. Talk about the populations the candidate has worked with and how they are able to adapt to the needs of non-traditional students.

Problem Solving

Teachers at community colleges work with a wide range of students and must be skilled at meeting the learning needs of each individual. In one class, they may have a recent high school graduate and a middle-aged person returning to school after a hiatus. To measure their level of comfort and skill handling the challenges of working with varying student populations, ask how they would handle different situations; use examples of situations that have occurred at your college. Take note of the creativity and innovation of their solutions.


To receive a sense of why your interviewee is applying to your school, ask questions that get at their motivations. You might ask why they chose a two-year institution over a four-year college, For instance, or ask how their teaching philosophy will fit with the students you serve. If your school attracts a certain population that requires special considerations, ask why the candidate is interested in working with them. During the interview transaction, investigate approximately the age they accept spent instructing others. Beseech approximately non-traditional teaching knowledge, such as camp counseling, arts instructing or substantial workshops. You may acquisition that a candidate without traditional teaching caution may compass led groups on tours in different countries, For instance, or volunteered as a conversation partner for immigrants learning English.

During an interview, ask questions designed to see how well the candidate understands the working situation at your school. You might ask about a comfortable course load, classes the instructor would like to teach, how they would handle low travel budgets and touch on expected salaries.