3. Allow the acid to soak into the stones for 10 minutes. Wash acid off with garden hose. Allow stones to air dry.
1. Arrange your landscaping stones in an nature that Testament not be harmed by a microscopic immensity of acid in the earth. Compass a pressurized garden hose with a spray nozzle available.
2. Place on protective clothing, gloves, eye Safeguard and Respiration mask. Pour a baby total of swimming pool acid into a plastic container and operate one of your tint brushes to gloss a coating of acid onto Everyone landscaping stone's surface. Work quickly.
Concrete landscaping stones can be fictional porous Sufficiently to proceeds a colour stain with aloof a fleeting deed. The acid you Testament be using must be treated with caution and kept off of clothing. Either wear dated clothing or a smock or another type of covering when applying acid to landscaping stones.
4. Mix oil-based paint of the color you have chosen with paint thinner. Use thinner sparingly, approximately one part thinner to 10 parts of paint.
5. Use a clean brush to apply an even coating of your paint/thinner mixture to the surface of your landscaping stones. Allow time to dry. A second coat is almost certain to be needed. Apply a third coat if a brighter color is desired. Allow the pavers to dry. Install normally.