Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Use A Magnetic Dry Erase Board

A dry erase board is a good baggage for family, academy or employment. You can chalk all kinds of counsel on the board, including to determine lists, schedules, grocery lists and goals. Teachers and parents can employment the board to Educate counsel. Coaches can ability strategies and fix schedules. Institution students can employment dry erase boards to publicize reminders and compose messages to friends. Many dry erase boards are Attractive, allowing the user to attach papers and other items to them. Here is adoption Attractive dry erase boards.


1. Invest in a Attractive dry erase board that is sized for your needs. Petite Attractive dry erase boards are faultless for dorm amplitude doors and the inside of college lockers. Midsized boards functioning hearty on a central refrigerator and in a central business. Over-sized Attractive dry erase boards are skilled for teachers and bag backing. Bitty and midsized boards can be purchased at reduction and office supply stores. Order large or over-sized magnetic dry erase boards from office supply stores or purchase online from dry erase board vendors (see resources for link).

2. Mount the magnetic dry erase board. Most dry erase boards will come with appropriate mounting materials: screws, sticky tape, a magnetic back or a hook. Magnets and sticky tape work well on the refrigerator or in lockers.4. Use magnets to attach notes, grocery lists, photographs and other papers to your magnetic dry erase board as desired. Magnets come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, and can be purchased at discount and office supply stores.5.

Write on the dry erase board with special dry erase markers. Dry erase markers come in a variety of colors. These markers are usually supplied with the board or you can purchase them from an office supply store.

Sticky tape or a hook is good for a dorm room door. Screws may be the best choice for a school or office.3.

Wipe the dry erase board with a paper towel or use a special eraser made for dry erase boards. You can purchase dry erase board erasers at office supply stores such as Office Depot or Staples, or online from a dry erase board vendor (see resources).