Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Learn To Set Goals

Some tribe are able to establish goals and spread them, with obvious cooperate, all wound up duration. For others, goal-setting seems to be yet added difficile. One of the biggest obstacles preventing many from setting and reaching goals is low self-esteem. Depreciated feelings of self-worth interfere with realistic goal-setting thanks to those with low self-esteem admit problem setting goals that match realistic personal abilities. Extremely, some clan donkeywork ace under impact, on the contrary not Each does. Get to place your goals according to how you work best.


A workman with low self-esteem Testament tend to locate overly low goals for himself or not bother setting goals at all. Whether you need to memorize to place goals effectively, you should early return a realistic Stare at your personality. Whether you gain danger setting goals go like now considering you are depressed or include low self-esteem, dealing with your depression or self-esteem should be your first off mission.

1. Sit down with a pen and a piece of paper and write down how you want your life to be one year (or whatever future time period) from today. For example, if your goal is to make more money and have a new car or home, write that down. If you want to be happier, write that down too. Be as detailed as you feel comfortable being.

2. Think about the positive steps needed to take you from the situation you are in today to how you want your life to be one year from today. Write these steps down. If you desire more happiness, rather than simply more physical objects, you will need to determine what happiness means for you. If your goal is a new job, outline the qualities you want in a new job.

3. Determine what stands in your way of achieving your goals. If you set a goal, reaching that goal often requires removing obstacles blocking your access to the goal as much as it requires adding new things or new attitudes to your life. If your goal is more peace in your life, For instance, and you are currently surrounded by emotionally unhealthy people, you may need to stay away from those people, essentially removing them from your life.

4. Estimate how long each step will take. Give yourself either an approximate time-frame to fulfill your goal or an exact date. Deadlines keep most people focused. Self-imposed deadlines should be treated as important as any deadline.

5. Start a weekly diary of your progress. Doing this helps keep you focused on your goals and will allow you to set new goals ifa change is necessary. This will also give you tangible evidence of progress achieved so you can look back and reflect on this progress if you have difficulty in the future.