Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tax Deduction Value For Donated Items

Whether you donate Belongings to a charitable assembling, church, nonprofit college or some other equipped format, then you can state an itemized charge deduction Identical to the reward of the donated baggage.

Fair Market Value

Assert a toll deduction Identical to the genuine bazaar expense of the donated Belongings. For chips, simply say the vastness of money donated. For other property, make an educated guess as to the fair market value.

Calculating Fair Market Value

There is no set formula for calculating fair market value; it is generally the price for which the property would sell on the open market.

If you donate an item of property (or a group of similar property items) that is worth over $5,000, the property or group must be appraised before legally claiming the amount of the deduction.

Other Calculations

If the IRS does not require an appraisal, simply make the best guess as to the fair market value of the property; try to estimate as accurately as possible.

Household Items Over $500

If you donate household items, such as a couch or clothing, and claim a deduction for over $500, you will need To possess the property professionally appraised before you can legally claim the deduction. As long as you claim less than $500, you do not need an appraisal.

Other Deductions Over $5,000