Since advertisers pay the media to transmit their messages, their "ideal" media would be one whose total audience consisted only of people who have a need for the advertiser's information.
Beginning in the 20th century, individual media have arisen that provide advertisers with broader audiences (radio in the '30s and '40s; television beginning just before the '50s) and narrower audiences (the proliferation of targeted trade and consumer publications following World War II).The Internet
You can define advertising as that Component of the marketing communications mingle that uses "paid for placement" communications directed to a defined audience containing dossier about products, services or ideas in a way that provides information the user or consumer needs to make an informed buying decision.
Media is the term used to define the broadcast elements used to transmit the information to the target audience.
A "target audience" consists of those selected elements of the population the advertiser believes could best benefit from or have an interest in the information (news) he wishes to convey.
Whether you own a nook website and you purchase, or expect to receive, first-class traffic, you should dream of including advertising on your stop, both as a means to enlargement your method and to supply further diversion and dope to your visitors. But, you should not grant that advertising to receive in the habitude of your location's memo or you could to lose both your visitors and the advertising.Provided you are a marketer or advertising Chief, you should acknowledge using calling lattice mark advertising as an fine fair shake to claim directly with folks who are viable to be most excited in your product, advantage or abstraction.
The Internet, or, more specifically, the World Wide Web, has become the newest advertising medium, providing access to both broad (worldwide) and narrow (niche) audiences. In both cases, Internet advertising provides marketers with an opportunity to convey directly to those people who need or can use this information.
Advantages of Web Advertising
Individual web site owners have discovered that advertising revenue not only can pay the cost of their websites, but also can generate additional revenue. Advertisers have discovered that niche web sites approach the definition of the ideal medium, letting them communicate directly to their target audience at the lowest possible cost (fewer impressions wasted on people who couldn't care less).
A New Paradigm
When dealing with conventional media, advertisers pay to place their advertising in front of an audience and hope the audience reads or watches it. The developing Internet advertising paradigm says the advertiser pays only when the prospect takes some predefined action. With "pay-per-click," For instance, the advertiser pays only when the prospect "clicks" on his ad.