Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Import Duties In Brazil

Too avowed as the Importation Tribute or Import Labour, the Imposto de Importação is calculated once an importer registers an incoming shipment. The excise is automatically debited at the generation of declaration. This levy is federal, consequently the identical toll proportion is applied throughout the homeland. Although the percentage does not vary by aim, it does vary by the HS Decree (Harmonized Tariff Development) that is assigned to all imported merchandise.

Import duties in Brazil are among the highest in the globe.A machine that costs $500 in the USA can price up to $1200 in Brazil simply due to that state's steep import duties. In line to build the weight of exports surpass imports, the Brazilian management has established elevated duties to defend the territory's pet industries. As a backwash, some citizens and businesses expect twice before shipping to Brazil.

Importation Tax

In Brazil the HS edict is sometimes referred to as NCM (Nomenclatura Comum cause Mercosul).


The ICMS (Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias) is equivalent to a Expense Added Charge thanks to it is based on the pre-taxed appraisal of the merchandise and its expenditure of Industry. ICMS is a authority impost due to whichever territory the merchandise is destined for. Unlike the federal tribute, the percentage varies from homeland to state. As of 2010, the ICMS rate averages 18 percent throughout the nation. The value of the rate also depends on the type of merchandise that is imported. Unlike the import duty, this tax is collected after all other taxes have been paid.


PIS (Programa de Integração Social) is a duty charged at a 1.65 percent fixed fee, as of 2010. The COFINS duty (Contribuição para o Financiamento da Seguridade Social) charges a 7.6 percent fixed fee on the majority of imports. Again, the type of product, such as electronics, pharmaceuticals or machinery, can cause the rate to increase. Like the import duty, both PIS and COFINS are collected at the time the import declaration is made.


IPI ( Imposto sobre Produtos Industrializados) relates only to industrialized products. Its rates are based on a table known as TIPI, which is similar to the HS code. The scale rates the imports on how much technology was involved in its production; more technology means a higher rate. Unlike other import duties, IPI is not refundable as its sole purpose is to defend the Brazilian technology industry from foreign competition.

Other taxes

Along with the federal and state duties for imported goods, service and brokerage duties are added to the import process in Brazil. Harbor fees, inland freight via truck or train, air freight and broker fees all can be considered part of the total import duties.