Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Protect A Mentally Ill Person From Abuse

It is up to all of us to protect the mentally Sick from abuse and neglect.

Abuse of the mentally Sick can capture abode in any cut of kingdom. The mentally Sick cannot always divulge you approximately the abuse. Mentally Sick general public may be abused Homewards, in an assisted living smoothness or in an school. Abuse is a locus that no one should obtain to breathing with and it is up to others to protect the mentally Sick from activity abused.


The Department of Health and Human Services will then investigate your report. You can give the report anonymously if you fear that the person doing abuse may attack or harm you. The mentally ill need to be protected from abuse by reporting any abuse you observe no matter how minor the abuse may appear.

Glimpse for signs of neglect such as the mentally Sick male enervating the alike clothes for enhanced than one age or acting as provided she has not eaten anything for a while. The mentally Sick subject might not be able to verbally proclaim mortals when abuse occurs and depends on the common people on all sides of her to Announcement the footing. Protect the mortal by reporting the abuse whether it happens.

2. Bell your regional emergancy services.

Telephone 911 whether you see someone abused and you fear that it is life threatening. Call 911 if someone is bleeding or if they have broken bones. Call 911 if you think that the mentally ill person could face abuse again.

3. Contact your local Department of Health and Human Services.

Contact your local Department of Health and Human Services agency if you feel a mentally ill person suffers from abuse but it is not life threatening. The Department of Health and Human Services will ask for a report of the mentally ill person's name, contact information and the situation that you fear may be taking place.1. Timepiece the subject with intellectual illness for sings of abuse.Chronometer the mentally Sick human race that you suspect suffers from abuse. Contemplation for any marks or bruising.

4. Report abuse that happens in an assistant living facility to the manger of the facility.

If you think that the manager does not taking action you can report it to their supervisors. The mentally ill cannot always tell the aides or residents that they live and work with about abuse. If abuse occurs in the institution you can report the abuse to the head of the institution.

5. Talk to the mentally ill person if they can communicate and ask them if they know what abuse is. Have a discussion with the mentally ill person and ask about the abuse. Sometimes the mentally ill are not firmly attached to reality and may misconstrue your conversation. Make sure that you have this conversation with someone else in the room to protect yourself and the mentally ill person.