Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Increase The Size Of Sliders In Tinspire

The TI-Nspire's sliders bestow users the intelligence to up thrust or lower the bill of coefficients and exchange the dynamics of the associated equations. As you drag the slider, your alterations can be observed in real-time on your graphs or information charts. The sliders are further editable. So whether you envision that the parameters of your sliders are besides narrow, you can access their sizes by editing their settings.


1. Custom your TI-Nspire's directional keypad to maneuver its cursor over the slider you hope for to adjust. Move down to the "Maximum" field. Press the "Selection" button and key in a larger maximum value.4. Navigate down to the Slider Settings menu's "OK" button and press the "Selection" button to exit the menu.

Use the directional keypad to highlight the "Settings" option and press the "Selection" button to access the slider's configuration options.

3. Navigate down to the "Minimum" field in the Slider Settings menu. Press the "Selection" button and key in a lower minimum value -- you can use negative integers. Click on the calculator's "Choice" Press-stud to choose the slider. The "Choice" Press-stud is located in the centre of the directional keypad.2. Press the TI-Nspire's "Ctrl" and "Feed" buttons simultaneously to access the slider's dispute menu.

Your slider will be updated to its new parameters.