Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Read Tarot Cards

Recite Tarot Cards

Tarot cards conjure images of gypsy women, crystal balls and hocus pocus. It's tough to seperate the cards from their far-off novel. Nevertheless, the tarot cards themselves are rather genial; their peerless capacity is the opinion we settle in them. And they fill a spectrum of needs, from an amusing hobby to a authoritative thing for exploring the inner workings of our lives. There are no oppressive and brisk rules for the distress and reading of your cards, nevertheless these are some suggestions to receive you started on your behaviour.


1. Impress a deck of tarot cards. The Rider-Waite tarot deck is a positive Election to begin with. Shop online or at bookstores, which generally take tarot decks.

2. Adoption a kerchief or cloth and wrap your cards to beget a defended and Disinfected area. You may again necessity to shop for a special box in which to store your wrapped deck.

3. Season your deck of cards by sleeping with the wrapped cards next to your heart or under your pillow for a week. Now you're ready to read!

4. Concentrate on the question being asked, and shuffle the deck. You can mix the cards in a big pile using both hands, and then gather them up neatly and proceed with a regular card shuffle.

7. Look first at the design on the cards. Cards that look right side up for the reader are in a positive position; cards that look upside down for the reader are reversed. Reversed cards indicate conflict or blocked energy or weaken the card's influence.8.

6. Deal the cards using the tarot spread of your choice. A simple card spread is four cards in a diamond shape.

5. Cut the deck. If reading for someone else, have him or her ask the question out loud as he or she cuts the deck. If you do the reading for yourself, ask your own question as you cut.

Begin to memorize the card meanings. Start with the Related Site, "Individual Tarot Cards," or a good book.

9. Come up with your own card meanings and descriptions to personalize your reading style. Don't be afraid to follow your instincts.