Friday, May 23, 2014

Document Fraud In The Audit Report

Match your records to the audit to gem and folder fraud.

An annual stock audit of all of the materials owned by your association is the elite road to track where your method is retained. Occupation supplies, goods career produced, uncooked materials and automobiles must all be accounted for Everyone year in an overall audit. This Announcement Testament aim gone any instances of theft or fraud within the collection. Unfortunately, the massive amount of the Announcement arrange it basic to replace by anyone with access. These changes embrace the current fraud and dismantle your facility to track your check. Fraud must be uncovered and documented to restore your accounting.


1. Analysis the audit Announcement. Notice any info that you taction is suspect considering of an inconsistency between your enlightenment of the inventory and entries on your yearly audit report.

2. Compare the questionable items on the yearly audit report to your last few inventory reports. Examine each entry looking for unexplained rise or drop in the inventory count for those items.

3. Track the items in question from the time they came into your possession.6. Submit your fraud report to the upper management of your company. Send it to them along with a summary of your assessment of the fraud, when it originally occurred and who perpetrated the crime.

5. Document questionable items from their source through the fraudulent line items in the yearly audit. Write a detailed report that traces each questionable item, their journey into your control, throughout the time of your possession until the time of the audit.

Review incoming invoices to see how many of each questionable item reached your warehouse via third-party carrier.4. Continue tracking the number of each item throughout its tenure in your system. Review the outgoing invoices and adjust the numbers for each questionable item according to the amount and time they were shipped out of your control.